HAUS said: "Molly" is a name that I associate with quiet, meek, polite, etc. She may very well be all of these, but it doesn't sound like it when the birds are in town..
Kurt, here's a very terrible, out of focus, cellphone pic i just took of a female baltimore.. it's more orange than the orchard oriole female i had here a few weeks earlier. the orchard was more greenish-yellow, vs orange-ish yellow. (It very well could be a juvenile bird as well?)
i couldn't get very close because the window is 5'x5' and it was about 2ft from it.
Trust me on this point…….there are a lot of people that should be glad she isn’t in charge of this country……..:yes:
not a lot of gray in her world
I will check some old hard drives and see if I can come up with a photo or two