Sorry guys, I didn't have time to snap a finished product pic. I pulled them off, put em in a cooler and headed to the church. Got there just as they were placing the last food items on the serving table. De-foiled and sliced em and got them plated just as people were lining up. Came out pretty darn good. They didn't come out fall off the bone like I like them, but they were tender enough that there wasn't much pull (the way judges like em)
I had a whole slab left over from the smoke I did earlier this week so I warmed it up in foil just in case I needed extra. Glad I did because I did need them. I had used Oak Ridge rub on that slab but it has way too much cayenne in it for my taste.
Received lots of compliments on them. I've got an Uncle who has done a fair amount of BBQ judging for the American Royal and several other contests, and he really liked them.
This is all that is left, at least I have lunch for tomorrow.
-------------------- Shawn Wheaton
Missouri Waterfowl Association
Westside Chapter Chairman