Two lawyers were stranded on an island. The only thing on the island was a coconut tree. Each day one of the lawyers would climb to the top for coconuts and to see if he could spot a rescue boat.
One day the lawyer called out from the tree, "I can't believe my eyes! There's a woman out there on a raft floating in our direction!"
The lawyer on the ground was skeptical and said, "You're hallucinating, you've finally lost your mind." But within a few minutes up to the beach floated a stunning blonde, unconscious, without so much as a ring on her person. The two lawyers dragged her up on the beach and discovered she was alive and breathing.
One lawyer said to the other, "You know, we've been on this island for a long time now without a woman. It's been such a long time, so, do you think, we should, well, you know, screw her?"
"Out of WHAT?" asked the other lawyer.
-------------------- "Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."