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Reged: 12/27/05
Posts: 490
Loc: Cedar County

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120602 - 10/15/07 08:39 AM

5 Myths about Forests and Wildfires about Myths about Forests and Wildfires

#1: We can't realistically mechanically thin our national forests on any scale large enough to suit Firestorm without the use of fire.

#2. Fire is natural and good and much more fire was natural as opposed to man induced throughout history.

#3. Today's forests are natural. They are a natural response to the suppression of fire and introduction of non-native species. They are doing what nature intended for them to do.

#4. Inflation and Drought.

#5. Commercial logging is a viable management tool to maintain natural forests in convenient successional stages. Industrial/commercial forestry reduces biodiversity, period.

"I see that degree did you a lot of good, so did you ever actually get a job in fisheries or wildlife or forestry, just wondering since an authority would have long ago argued some of these points, but I'm guessing you might do better at serving me a Slurpee than talk intelligently about forests you've never seen."--Firestorm

16 yrs. so far. Every point you try to make about the ravages of fire have been occurring for millenia. Forests burn, wildlife dies blah, blah, blah. It's on a time scale you apparrently can't grasp. Maybe the doctorate has filled your mind to over capacity. You fail to grasp simple, natural environmental cause and effect. Nature will react to our input and reach an equalibrium at some point. It won't be in your's or your children/grandchildren's lifetimes. Your Al Gore alarmist bullchit is just that, Firestorm. Bullchit.

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: hillbilly]
      #120606 - 10/15/07 09:48 AM

You fail to grasp simple, natural environmental cause and effect. Nature will react to our input and reach an equalibrium at some point. It won't be in your's or your children/grandchildren's lifetimes.--Slurpee Engineer

are we a part of nature or not? You see Al Gore would say we aren't, I say we are

Nature will react to our input? Wow, now that's just astounding intellect on display their hillbilly was that chapter 1 of your degree in all things bullchit that you bragged about earlier?

So if nature will react to our input and come to some equilibrium, uhh what's wrong with thinning the forests again?

go sit in the corner with Hellbender and Ozark, the three of you can circle jerk for a while until you have an argument

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120607 - 10/15/07 09:51 AM

"Industrial/commercial forestry reduces biodiversity, period."--Slurpee engineer

uhh, prove this, I know you got an online degree in frozen treats but I'm sorry you really need to support your arguments, you obviously are not an authority as you have yet to make me sweat.

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120609 - 10/15/07 09:56 AM

"We can't realistically mechanically thin our national forests on any scale large enough to suit Firestorm without the use of fire."--Assistant Slurpee Dispenser

uhh, fire can be used as a means to thin the forest, but what your government thinks is a great plan is to simply light fires or allow fires to burn that were lit naturally in overloaded fuel areas that are not prepared to receive fire, thereby burning up everything, old growth included and what we get is an entirely new landscape.

for a degree holder I find it odd that the greatest ecological threat to the fish and the wildlife and the forest gets a pass, but the least threat, man with a chain saw is seen as the devil

again, who's the Al Gore here, there ain't nothing conservative about your argument dude, I hate to break it to you, but you're dispensing nothing but liberal drivel in those slurpees.

where'd you get that degree again? Was it online?

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120611 - 10/15/07 09:58 AM

when's the last time you were in a western forest, come on slurpee boy you are obviously trying to be an authority, so when was the last time you were out here in one of these forests? And when was the last time you witnessed a forest fire out here in the forests that the enviros won't allow to be touched?

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120613 - 10/15/07 10:00 AM

I guess he'll come back in about three or four days when he thinks he's constructed an argument

here's a clue BS boy, try providing some actual facts that support your government mantras the forest service provided for you

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Reged: 12/27/05
Posts: 490
Loc: Cedar County

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120617 - 10/15/07 10:17 AM

A few simple searches would provide all the scientific evidence you seek. You would argue agianst the validity of all of it. Besides, you're simply not worth the effort. You see firestorm, when you let common sense go, the truth soon follows. I have made the argument for common sense approaches to forest management and you have denied the truth in them all. Your argument however, is so far from the truth that all common sense is lost. Yet you keep digging and the hole get's deeper? and another

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: hillbilly]
      #120622 - 10/15/07 10:34 AM

obviously the fact that you are a puss doesn't bother you.

hey dumbass, I've posted up scientific research to the contrary and you are scared to post up anything that supports your argument.

uhhm, try answering a question in the future then maybe your argument can have some validity

when was the last time you were in one of these western forests, surely that isn't that hard to answer...or is it

you see when you lead with you have a BS degree in fisheries wildlife and forestry and then several days later you say you've worked in it for 16 years, kind of rings like bullchit to me, in that if you actually have 16 years experience in one of these disciplines you would never lead with your college work, people normally lead with their actual experience, so I'm going to have to call bullchit on your entire argument until of course you can prove to me you actually have a damn clue, because to date, you are providing me with nothing, absolutely nothing. You keep trying though, k, BS bad ass

so when was the last time you were in a western forest and when was the last time you spent time in an area that burned?

simple questions, I'm sure you can blow me away with your authoritative knowledge, well actually I'm sure you won't because you can't

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120626 - 10/15/07 10:46 AM

well obviously the internet BS bad ass puss has never been to a western forest or to a western forest that has burned, so one has to wonder just how authoritative a guy can be when he actually knows nothing about what he is arguing, I can see why he would be scared to support his shallow arguments, he doesn't know where to start.

what forest in the west have you visited and what burned area did you visit?

After you answer that one you can answer what it is you've been doing for 16 years that you claim has something to do with fisheries, wildlife and forestry

Then after that you can maybe support your shallow argument.

There's scientific evidence out there to support damn near anything, what specific evidence are you drawing your bullchit conclusions from, if any? Come on dude these should be simple questions for such an authority with a BS degree.

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120629 - 10/15/07 10:54 AM

here's another simple question for BS bad ass

how big is a forest fire when it starts?

you blame increased costs on inflation and drought, but a forest fire starts as a very small thing it may be as little as one lightning strike on one tree or a small cluster of strikes in an area, in most cases it smolders for a few days before going anywhere, so as to your inflation and drought argument for the rising cost, uhhm, I think you are forgetting the ingrained culture of the forest firefighting community, a fire don't pay until it is too big to put out in a matter of days. So do you care to argue that again. You see we know exactly where the lightning hits, they've got a center in Boise for that and it pretty much pinpoints all the lightning strikes, and we know that a forest fire begins as a very small event and then explodes later into an uncontrollable event that requires thousands of firefighters for several weeks, so do you care to change your bullchit statement?

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120635 - 10/15/07 11:10 AM

of course, the BS bad ass hasn't yet explained what a naturally functioning forest is, he just believes that everyone accepts that he knows what one is, I sure as hell don't, you're just going to have to fill me in on your grand BS knowledge on the subject.

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120636 - 10/15/07 11:13 AM

and how is it that industrial/commercial logging reduces biodiversity period?

And when you get done answering that, explain in all your infinite BS bad ass wisdom how it is that worse effects from a firestorm don't do the same? Obviously there must be a distinction as to why one is bad and the other isn't in your crazy little man is the root of all problems world.

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120700 - 10/15/07 03:26 PM

dude's been back to once again not to answer simple questions, that's pretty damn sad, but expected from a puss who brags about a BS degree, dude they hand that chit out like condoms in public schools.

they are really simple questions, of course you probably never had to answer a question while getting your BS did you?

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120783 - 10/15/07 08:08 PM

and now he's come back again to yet again not answer simple questions what a jackass

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JJ McGuire


Reged: 06/01/06
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Loc: Chester Springs, PA

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #120858 - 10/16/07 09:54 AM

ADM would be an excellent choice.

keeping it rural

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Reged: 12/15/05
Posts: 1756
Loc: Saline County, MO

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: JJ McGuire]
      #120999 - 10/16/07 04:55 PM

Never fear, help is on the way. Corn was down $.01 today.

And for the record, soybeans are the number protein source in the world. Not corn.

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 3416
Loc: Taney County

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Vogi]
      #121000 - 10/16/07 05:03 PM


Never fear, help is on the way.

No Chit! Oil is on the rise and all those bullchit figures comparing ethanol and gasoline are about to do an abrupt about face.
Not that it will matter, oil has been fluctuating like crazy, but Ozark and Liberty keep the blinders on and quote old figures like they were gospel.

A government survey has shown that 91% of illegal immigrants come to this country so that they can see their own doctor.

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Reged: 12/15/05
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Loc: Saline County, MO

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Hellbender]
      #121002 - 10/16/07 05:15 PM

Wholesale Ethanol was $1.47/gallon this morning, and my local corn closed at $3.30. Just in case somebody needs to do some refiguring and update their charts.

I almost forgot to mention the cattle ate all the mixed DDG ration this morning, and last I knew the C02 tanks were still in working order at MME.

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: out in the woods

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Vogi]
      #121029 - 10/16/07 06:59 PM

A year ago, crude oil was $65 a barrel and retail gasoline cost over $3.00 a gallon.

Now, crude oil is $85 a barrel and gasoline costs $2.59 a gallon at the pump.

The financial stories are all about "oil companies being squeezed by refining margins". They're about to report 3rd quarter profits, and it's expected that those profits will be lower than a year ago.

Companies like Exxon are sitting on billions of barrels of proven reserves, which they can get out of the ground for $4 to $10 per barrel. Their "upstream" profits are great, but they're settling for less profit in refining right now.

I think this is clear proof that the oil companies do conspire to control gasoline prices. In the wind-up to the election and with a Democrat Congress, they don't need any more record-profit headlines so they're keeping the retail price down right now.

As soon as they get a chance though, they'll raise gasoline prices back up to standard markup rates - which at $85 a barrel, would be $3.50-$4.00 per gallon. In the meantime, they're pumping and selling crude oil for record prices with the potential of doing that for a long time to come.

The stock market knows this, and that's why oil company stocks are still going straight up.

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Ozark]
      #121039 - 10/16/07 08:54 PM

if we are what we eat then DNA tests show that Americans are made up of mostly corn, since corn is fed to our animals that we eat and is also used in many other processes

I forget the name of the documentary that links America's corn diet to diabetes, but testing on hair samples showed the carbon in Americans' DNA was made up of up to 70 percent corn.

Thereby sticking yet another thorn in the side of ethanol, by raising the cost of (I think it was sptsman who said this) our most important food source we are poking a sharp stick in our eye

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: Taney County

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #121059 - 10/16/07 11:08 PM

You just can't help yourself, can you dumbass?

A government survey has shown that 91% of illegal immigrants come to this country so that they can see their own doctor.

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Reged: 12/15/05
Posts: 1756
Loc: Saline County, MO

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #121062 - 10/16/07 11:11 PM


Liberty said:
if we are what we eat then DNA tests show that Americans are made up of mostly corn

That doesn't seem to be the old joke I remember from grade school.

I'd try to explain it to you, but you just can't fix stupid.

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Vogi]
      #121064 - 10/16/07 11:25 PM

I brought that up for a laugh, though a reporter did have her hair tested and it was 67 percent corn, take it for what it is, personally I hate anything that exits the body in the same form it went in and farmers looking for another handout

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Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 5796

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #121069 - 10/16/07 11:40 PM

here you go HB and Vogi, it made me laugh too, but I saw some reporter babe talking about it and she focused on the diabetes, her hair being 67 percent corn and how corn is killing us all!!!

here web page

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Reged: 12/27/05
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Loc: Cedar County

Re: Ethanol, again. [Re: Liberty]
      #121095 - 10/17/07 09:56 AM

Ozark - They claim they are giving refined products away now due to inventories and demand. They will fix that by taking some refineries off line for maintenance and leaving them off-line for a while to fix the inventory problem. And even though they claim to be giving refined products away they will still record a 17 billion dollar profit. My how they are hurting, huh? Meanwhile, ethanol plants are closing down due to pricing themselves out of the market and producing more ethanol than there is a demand for!

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