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Reged: 12/13/05
Posts: 7970
Loc: Mid Mo

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #75734 - 12/29/06 08:11 PM

A pastor concluded that his church was getting into serious financial troubles.

While checking the church storeroom, he discovered several cartons of new bibles that had never been opened and distributed.

So at his Sunday sermon, he asked for three volunteers from the congregation who would be willing to sell the bibles door-to-door for $10 each to raise the desperately needed money for the church.

Jack, Paul and Louie all raised their hands to volunteer for the task. The minister knew that Jack and Paul earned their living as salesmen and were likely capable of selling some bibles. But he had serious doubts about Louie who was a local farmer, who had always kept to himself because he was embarrassed by his speech impediment.

Poor Louis stuttered badly. But, not wanting to discourage Louis, the minister decided to let him try anyway.

He sent the three of them away with the back seat of their cars stacked with bibles.

He asked them to meet with him and report the results of their door-to-door selling efforts the following Sunday.

Eager to find out how successful they were, the minister immediately asked Jack, "Well, Jack, how did you make out selling our bibles last week?"

Proudly handing the reverend an envelope, Jack replied, "Using my sales prowess, I was able to sell 20 bibles, and here's the $200 I collected on behalf of the church."

"Fine job, Jack!" The minister said, vigorously shaking his hand. "You are indeed a fine salesman and the Church is indebted to you."

Turning to Paul, "And Paul, how many bibles did you sell for the church last week?"

Paul, smiling and sticking out his chest, confidently replied,"I am a professional salesman. I sold 28 bibles on behalf of the church, and here's $280 I collected."

The minister responded, "That's absolutely splendid, Paul. You are truly a professional salesman and the church is also indebted to you."

Apprehensively, the minister turned to Louie and said, "And Louie, did you manage to sell any bibles last week?" Louie silently offered the minister a large envelope.

The minister opened it and counted the contents. "What is this?" the minister exclaimed. "Louie, there's $3200 in here! Are you suggesting that you sold 320 bibles for the church, door to door, in just one week?"

Louie just nodded. That's impossible!" both Jack and Paul said in unison. "We are professional salesmen, yet you claim to have sold 10 times as many bibles as we could"

"Yes, this does seem unlikely," the minister agreed. "I think you'd better explain how you managed to accomplish this, Louie."

Louie shrugged. "I-I-I re-re-really do-do-don't kn-kn-know f-f-f-for sh-sh-sh-sure," he stammered.

Impatiently, Paul interrupted. "For crying out loud, Louie, just tell us what you said to them when they answered the door!"

"A-a-a-all I-I-I s-s-said wa-wa-was," Louis replied , "W-w-w-w-would y-y-y-you l-l-l-l-l-like t-t-to b-b-b-buy th-th-th-this b-b-b-b-bible f-f-for t-t-ten b-b-b-bucks ---o-o-o-or--- wo-wo-would yo-you j-j-j-just l-like m-m-me t-t-to st-st-stand h-h-here and r-r-r-r-r-read it t-to y-y-you??"

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Reged: 12/13/05
Posts: 7970
Loc: Mid Mo

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #75989 - 12/30/06 11:56 PM

How Many Church Members Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb?

Charismatic: Only 1 - Hands are already in the air.

Pentecostal: 10 - One to change the bulb, and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.

Presbyterians: None - Lights will go on and off at predetermined times.

Baptists: At least 15 - One to change the light bulb, and three committees to approve the change and decide who brings the potato salad and fried chicken.

Episcopalians: 3 - One to call the electrician, one to mix the drinks, and one to talk about how much better the old one was.

Unitarians: We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey you have found that light bulbs work for you, you are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your light bulb for the next Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, 3-way, long-life and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence.

Methodists: Undetermined - Whether your light is bright, dull, or completely out, you are loved. You can be a light bulb, turnip bulb, or tulip bulb. Bring a bulb of your choice to the Sunday lighting service and a covered dish to pass.

Nazarene: 6 - One woman to replace the bulb while five men review church lighting policy.

Lutherans: None - Lutherans don't believe in change.

Neo-evangelical: No one knows. They cannot tell the difference between light and darkness.

TV evangelists: One - But for the message of light to continue, send in your donation.

Fundamentalists: ONLY ONE - because any more would be compromise and ecumenical.

Arminians: One - but first the bulb must want to be changed.

Hyper-Calvinists: None - if God wants to change that light-bulb, He'll do it without your help!

Open Theists: unknown - as even God was not aware that the light bulb had burned out, much less that it needed changing.

Seventh Day Adventists: Just one - as long as it isn't Saturday.

Amish: What?s a light bulb?

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Reged: 12/13/05
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Loc: Mid Mo

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #77328 - 01/06/07 04:35 AM

There was a man who worked for the Post Office whose job it was to process all the mail that had illegible addresses.

One day, a letter came addressed in a shaky handwriting to God with no actual address. He thought he should open it to see what it was about.

The letter read:

Dear God,

I am an 83 year old widow, living on a very small pension. Yesterday someone stole my purse. It had $100 in it, which was all the money I had until my next pension check. Next Sunday is Christmas, and I had invited two of my friends over for dinner. Without that money, I have nothing to buy food with. I have no family to turn to, and you are my only hope. Can you please help me?



The postal worker was touched. He showed the letter to all the other workers. Each one dug into his or her wallet and came up with a few dollars. By the time he made the rounds, he had collected $96, which they put into an envelope and sent to the woman.

The rest of the day, all the workers felt a warm glow thinking of Edna and the dinner she would be able to share with her friends.

Christmas came and went.

A few days later, another letter came from the same old lady to God. All the workers gathered around while the letter was opened.

It read,

Dear God,

How can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me? Because of your gift of love, I was able to fix a glorious dinner for my friends. We had a very nice day and I told my friends of your wonderful gift. By the way, there was $4 missing. I think it must have been those bastards at the Post Office.

Sincerely yours,


"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Loc: Mid Mo

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #78141 - 01/10/07 11:02 AM

Two old Jewish men were sitting on a bench in the park talking.

"You know,, I have a big problem and a sorrowful heart."

"What Moshe? What is your problem?", asked Abraham.

"It's my son, young Moshe. He has gone and turned Christian on me."

"Oh my." said Abraham. "Funny you should mention that. My son, he too turned Christian on me."

Just then Reuben walked by.

"Why so sad with the long faces?" he asked.

"It's our sons, they have gone and turned Christian on us." they replied in unison.

"Funny you should mention that," says Reuben. "My son, he went and turned Christian on me too. We should pray to the Lord for advice on how to change this."

So they got down and prayed. "Dear Lord, please help your children. Our sons, they have gone and turned Christian on us, What should we do?"

Immediately the skies darkened and Lightning flashed about. Thunder roared and a voice came from everywhere.


"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Reged: 12/13/05
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Loc: Mid Mo

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #79023 - 01/14/07 05:46 PM

Three little boys were concerned because they couldn't get anyone to play with them.
They decided it was because they had not been baptized and didn't go to Sunday School.
So they went to the nearest Church. But, only the Janitor was there.
One little boy said, "We need to be baptized because no one will come out and play with us. Will you baptize us?"
"Sure," said the Janitor. He took them into the bathroom and dunked their little heads in the toilet bowl, one at a time. Then He said, "You are now baptized!"
When they got outside, one of them asked, "What religion do you think we are?"
The oldest one said, "We're not Kathlick, because they pour the water on you."
"We're not Babtis, because they dunk all of you in the water."
"We're not Methdiss, because they just sprinkle water on you."
The littlest one said, "Didn't you smell that water?!"
They all joined in asking, "Yeah! What do you think that means?"
"I think it means we're Pisscopailians.

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Loc: Mid Mo

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #81086 - 01/25/07 03:03 PM

I almost had an affair with another woman."

The priest said, "What do you mean, almost?"

The Irishman said, "Well, we got undressed and rubbed together, but then I stopped."

The priest said, "Rubbing together is the same as putting it in You're not to see that woman again. For your penance, say five Hail Mary's and put $50 in the poor box."!

The Irishman left the confessional, said his prayers, and then walked over to the poor box. He paused for a moment and then started to leave.

The priest, who was watching, quickly ran over to him saying, "I saw that. You didn't put any money in the poor box!"

The Irishman replied, "Yeah, but I rubbed the $50 on the box, and according to you, that's the same as putting it in!"

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Loc: Mid Mo

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #83051 - 02/06/07 12:48 AM

The Seven Deadly Sins Extrapolated...

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: Excelsior Springs, MO

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #83955 - 02/10/07 12:50 PM


There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black:
1. He called everyone brother.
2. He liked Gospel.
3. He didn't get a fair trial.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:
1. He went into His Father's business.
2. He lived at home until he was 33.
3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his Mother was sure He was God.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian:
1. He talked with His hands.
2. He had wine with His meals.
3. He used olive oil

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a Californian:
1. He never cut His hair.
2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
3. He started a new religion.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was an American
1. He was at peace with nature.
2. He ate a lot of fish.
3. He talked about the Great Spirit.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Irish:
1. He never got married.
2. He was always telling stories.
3. He loved green pastures.

But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman:
1. He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was virtually no food.
2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't
get it.
3. And even when He was dead, He had to get up because there was still work
to do.

Member DU, Delta

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names - John Kennedy

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Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #84241 - 02/13/07 03:19 AM

Two little boys, ages 8 and 10, were excessively mischievous. They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew all about it.
If any mischief occurred in their town, the two boys were probably involved.
The boys' mother heard that a preacher in town had been successful in disciplining children, so she asked if he would speak with her boys.
The preacher agreed, but he asked to see them individually. So the mother >sent the 8 year old first, in the morning, with the older boy to see the preacher in the afternoon.
The preacher, a huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him sternly, "Do you know where God is, son?"
The boy's mouth dropped open, but he made no response, sitting there wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open.
So the preacher repeated the question in an even sterner tone, "Where is God?"
Again, the boy made no attempt to answer.
The preacher raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face and bellowed, "Where is God?"
The boy screamed and bolted from the room, ran directly home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind him.
When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked, "What happened?"
The younger brother, gasping for breath, replied, "We are in BIG trouble this time," (I just LOVE reading this next line again and again:)
"GOD is missing, and they think we did it!"

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #87231 - 03/06/07 01:34 PM

The young couple were in a car accident and killed. As they stood before the pearly gates the young man said to the girl, "we were always going to get married on earth, I wonder if St Peter can marry us in heaven."
When their turn came at the gates the young man asked St Peter if he could marry them in heaven.
St. Peter replied " I don't know, but I'll check into it".
6 months passed and the young couple were still waiting for an answer, when the young man wondered, if it takes 6 months to get married, I wonder how long it would take to get a divorce. We'll have to ask St. Peter.
Shortly St Peter came up to them and told them that yes, it was possible to get married in heaven. Well gee, the young man answered, if it takes that long to get married, how long would it take to get a divorce.
St. Peter threw his clipboard onto the cloud and exclaimed "It took me 6 months to find a priest in heaven, how long do you think it will take me to find a lawyer."

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: Excelsior Springs, MO

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #87259 - 03/06/07 03:11 PM

He's looking in the wrong place.

Member DU, Delta

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names - John Kennedy

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Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: Mel]
      #87838 - 03/11/07 12:51 AM

Each Friday night after work, Bubba would fire up his outdoor grill and cook a venison steak. But all of Bubba's neighbors were Catholic....and since it was Lent, they were forbidden from eating meat on Friday. The delicious aroma from the grilled venison steaks was causing such a problem for the Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their

The Priest came to visit Bubba and suggested that he become a Catholic. After several classes and much study, Bubba attended Mass ..and as the priest sprinkled holy water over him, he said, "You were born a Baptist, and raised a Baptist, but now you are a Catholic."

Bubba's neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived, and the wonderful aroma of grilled venison again filled the neighborhood. The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors and as he rushed into Bubba's yard clutching a rosary preparing to scold him, he stopped and watched in amazement.

There stood Bubba, clutching a small bottle of holy water which he carefully sprinkled over the grilling meat and chanted: "You wuz born a deer, you wuz raised a deer, but now you is a catfish."

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #88738 - 03/16/07 08:26 PM

Whats the differnce between acne and a Catholic priest?

Acne only comes on your face after your 12.

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #89915 - 03/24/07 07:56 AM

A man in Topeka, Kansas decided to write a book about churches around the country. He started by flying to San Francisco and worked east from there. Going to a very large church, he began taking photographs and notes. He spotted a golden telephone on the vestibule wall and was intrigued by a sign which read: "$10,000 a minute." Seeking out the Pastor he asked about the phone and the sign. The Pastor explained that the golden phone was, in fact, a direct line to Heaven and if he paid the price he could talk directly to God. The man thanked the Pastor and continued on his way.As he continued to visit churches in Seattle, San Diego, Chicago, Greensboro, Tampa and all around the United States, he found more phones with the same sign and got the same answer from each Pastor.

Finally, he arrived in Texas. Upon entering a church in Dallas, behold, he saw the usual golden telephone. But THIS time, the sign read: "Calls: 35 cents." Fascinated, he asked to talk to the Pastor.

"Reverend, I have been in cities all across the country and in each church I have found this golden telephone. I have been told it is a direct line to Heaven and that I could talk to God, but, in the other churches the cost was $10,000 a minute. Your sign reads 35 cents. Why?"

The Pastor, smiling benignly, replied, "Son, you're in Texas now... It's a local call."

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: Excelsior Springs, MO

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #90940 - 03/30/07 07:03 PM

Sister Mary, who worked for a home health agency, was out making her rounds visiting homebound patients when she ran out of gas. As luck would have it, a gas station was just a block away.

She walked to the station to borrow a gas can and buy some gas. The attendant told her that the only gas can he owned had been lent out, but she could wait until it was returned.

Since the nun was on the way to see a patient, she decided not to wait and walked back to her car. She looked for something in her car that she could fill with gas and spotted the bedpan she was taking to the patient

Always resourceful, she carried the bedpan to the station, filled it with gas, and carried the full bedpan back to her car.

As she was pouring the gas into her tank, two men watched from across the street. One of the them turned to the other and said, "If it starts, I'm turning Catholic."

Member DU, Delta

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names - John Kennedy

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Loc: Mid Mo

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: Mel]
      #90977 - 03/30/07 11:18 PM

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Loc: Mid Mo

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #91003 - 03/31/07 12:51 PM

Little Zachary, a Jewish kid, was doing very badly in math. His parents had tried everything: tutors, mentors, flash cards, special learning centers. In short, everything they could think of to help his math.

Finally, in a last ditch effort, they took Zachary down and enrolled him in the local Catholic school.

After the first day, little Zachary came home with a very serious look on his face. He didn't even kiss his mother hello. Instead, he went straight to his room and started studying. Books and papers were spread out all over the room and little Zachary was hard at work. His mother was amazed.

She called him down to dinner. To her shock, the minute he was done, he marched back to his room without a word, and in no time, he was back hitting the books as hard as before. This went on for some time, day after day, while the mother tried to understand what made all the difference.

Finally, little Zachary brought home his report card. He quietly laid it on the table, went up to his room and hit the books. With great trepidation, his Mom looked at it and to her great surprise, little Zachary got an "A" in math.

She could no longer hold her curiosity. She went to his room and said, "Son, what was it? Was it the nuns?" Little Zachary looked at her and shook his head, no.

"Well, then," she replied, "was it the books, the discipline, the structure, the uniforms? WHAT WAS IT?"

Little Zachary looked at her and said, "Well, on the first day of school when I saw that guy nailed to the plus sign, I knew they weren't fooling around!"

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: Excelsior Springs, MO

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #92064 - 04/06/07 05:27 PM

Two boys were excessively mischievous.

They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew that if any mischief occurred in their town, their sons were probably involved.

The boys' mother heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in disciplining children,so she asked if he would speak with her boys. The clergyman agreed, but asked to see them individually. So the mother sent her 8-year-old in first that morning, with the older boy to see the clergyman in the afternoon.

The clergyman, a huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him sternly, "Where is God?" The boy's mouth dropped open, but he made no response, sitting there with his mouth hanging open, wide eyed. So the clergyman repeated the question in an even sterner tone,
"Where is God!!?"

Again the boy made no attempt to answer. So the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face and bellowed, "WHERE IS GOD!?"

The boy screamed and bolted from the room, ran directly home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind him.
When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked, "What happened?"

The younger brother, gasping for breath, replied, "We are in BIG trouble this time, dude. God is missing - and they think WE did it.!"

Member DU, Delta

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names - John Kennedy

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Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: Mel]
      #92963 - 04/13/07 03:40 PM

Every Sunday a little old lady placed $1,000 in the collection plate. It went on for weeks until the priest, overcome with curiosity, approached her.

"My dear, I couldn't help but notice that you put $1,000 a week in the collection plate," he said.

"Why yes," she replied, "every week my son sends me money, and what I don't need I give to the church."

"That's wonderful. How much does he send you?" the priest asked. "He sends me $2,000 a week," she replied proudly.

"Your son is very successful," said the priest. "What does he do for a living?"

"He is a veterinarian," she answered. "That is a very honorable profession," the priest assured her.

"Where does he practice?"

"Well, she replied, "he has one cat house in Kansas City and another in New Orleans."

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: Excelsior Springs, MO

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #95143 - 05/01/07 05:18 PM

Interesting Year 1981

1. Prince Charles got married

2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe

3. Australia lost the Ashes tournament.

4. Pope Died

Interesting Year 2005

1. Prince Charles got married

2. Liverpool crowned soccer Champions of Europe

3. Australia lost the Ashes tournament

4. Pope Died

Lesson Learned

The next time Charles gets married,someone warn the Pope

Member DU, Delta

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names - John Kennedy

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Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: Mel]
      #98296 - 05/28/07 01:40 PM

During a sermon, the preacher said to his congregation, "The Bible covers everything. I challenge anyone here to name a subject I can't find in the Good Book."
A woman in a back pew raised her hand and asked, "What about PMS?"
Caught by surprise, the preacher nervously thumbs through the Bible before exclaiming, "Oh, here it is....And Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Bethlehem."

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Loc: Excelsior Springs, MO

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #98312 - 05/29/07 12:42 AM


Member DU, Delta

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names - John Kennedy

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Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: Mel]
      #98324 - 05/29/07 11:07 AM

We've all been there...

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: Excelsior Springs, MO

Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: SwampFox]
      #100578 - 06/08/07 05:33 PM

Shortly after the Pope had apologized to the Jewish People for the treatment of Jews by the Catholic Church over the years, Ariel Sharon, the Prime Minister of Israel, sent a proposal to the College of Cardinals for a friendly game of golf to be played between the two leaders or their representatives to demonstrate the friendship and ecumenical spirit shared by the Catholics and the Jews.

The Pope then met with his College of Cardinals to discuss the proposal.

"Your Holiness," said one of the Cardinals, "Mr. Sharon wants to challenge you to a game of golf to show that you are old and unable to compete. I am afraid that this would tarnish our image in the world."

The Pope thought about this and since he had never held a golf club in his life asked "Don't we have a Cardinal to represent me?"

"None who plays golf very well," a Cardinal replied. "But," he added, "there is a man named Jack Nicklaus, an American golfer, who is a devout Catholic. We can offer to make him a Cardinal, and then ask him to play Mr. Sharon as your personal representative. In addition to showing our spirit of cooperation, we will also win the match."

Everyone agreed that this was a great idea. The call was made. Of course, Nicklaus was honored and he agreed to play as a representative of the Pope.

The day after the match, Nicklaus reported to the Vatican to inform the Pope of the result. "This is Cardinal Nicklaus. I have some good news and some bad news, Holiness," said the golfer.

"Tell me the good news, Cardinal Nicklaus," said the Pope.

"Well, Your Holiness, I don't like to brag, but even though I have played some pretty terrific rounds of golf in my life, this was the best I have ever played, by far. I must have been inspired from above. My drives were long and true, my irons were accurate and purposeful, and my putting was perfect. With all due respect, my play was truly miraculous."

"How can there be bad news?" the Pope asked.

Nicklaus sighed "I lost by three strokes to Rabbi Tiger Woods.

Member DU, Delta

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names - John Kennedy

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Re: Heaven And Hell [Re: Mel]
      #101943 - 06/19/07 08:37 PM

Two priests decided to go to Hawaii on vacation.

They were determined to make this a real vacation by not wearing anything that would identify them as clergy.

As soon as the plane landed they headed for a store and bought some really outrageous shorts, shirts, sandals, sunglasses, etc.

The next morning they went to the beach dressed in their "tourist" garb. They were sitting on beach chairs, enjoying a drink, the sunshine and the scenery when a "drop dead gorgeous" blonde in a topless bikini came walking straight towards them.

They couldn't help but stare.

As the blonde passed them she smiled and said "Good Morning, Father ~ Good Morning, Father," nodding and addressing each of them individually, then she passed on by. They were both stunned.

How in the world did she know they were priests? So the next day, they went back to the store and bought even more outrageous outfits.

These were so loud you could hear them before you even saw them! Once again, in their new attire, they settled down in their chairs to enjoy the sunshine.

After a little while, the same gorgeous blonde, wearing a different colored topless bikini, taking her sweet time, came walking toward them.

Again she nodded at each of them, said "Good morning, Father ~ Good morning, Father," and started to walk away.

One of the priests couldn't stand it any longer and said,
"Just a minute, young lady."

"Yes, Father?"

"We are priests and proud of it, but I have to know,
how in the world do you know we are priests, dressed as we are?"

She replied, "Father, it's me, Sister Kathleen."

"Being deeply learned and skilled, being well trained and using well spoken words; this is good luck."

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