(Enzyte - one a day!)
03/19/09 01:07 AM
Re: No more non-mutant seed?

Naw greg I didn't even read the threads don't need too I spent way too many years dealin with those folks and a host of others Course I enjoyed what I did BUT sometimes I didn't enjoy who I had to deal with,,,,,,as far as the real world goes,,,,Monsanto sux, They are the dummycrats of the ag world
They are the ones that will screw the American farmer in a heartbeat and ask to get in his pocket again!
I sat around tonite rethinking this and honestely I can't think of a good thing to say about them!
They want to be the controllers of the farmers and you and I as well
If you had sit thru some of the chem,seed meetings that they put on and dealt with them in the fields,,,I know you would understand. Yer that kind of guy. You would undestand totally.
Like I said I could post on them for days But I won't
I gotta real good friend that works for them and he KNOWS when he goes to work HE IS A LIAR and has to lie to his friends to keep his job.
I done been there seen that and they's a bunch of folks that I don't wanna deal with,,,but that's just me.
I loved my job and the folks I was lucky enuff to work with and call friends and spent a lot of nites at someone elses table,,,,I spent years scoutin fields before I sprayed em and about the same amount of time checking em after I did!
That was a dream job for me I looked at the weed spectrum and made the very best recomendations I could make,,,,I worked from before daylite til after midnite,,,I missed my kid growin up and I missed my wife,,I never had a spring summer or fall,,,but I couldn't get enuff, I. I was good at what I did,,,,because I cared!
I'm tellin ya Monsanto don't care about nothin but Monsanto.......Periord
Fork them and the way they operate,,,,won't be long and they will need to get stimulated too! Buch of &)(*%$#@!_+)^
As I was ridin thru the country today,,I realized how much I miss that way of life and talked to some ole boyz and found out how much of a difference I actually made,,,things change I reckon.
Next time you is up kneegrow bring me a crappie bed beer and I'll hook ya azz up with a roast beef sammich,,,well maybe an elk roast sammich.
Jeez I been off all week and now I gotta go to Knoxville tonite,,,wtf!

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