(stirrer of chit)
12/08/13 09:28 PM
Hanging with the James Gang

well this one is not as infamous but close. Had a wonderful visit with Kim and his family the other day while I was heading out of state.

Was more that worth the time to catch up with Kim and meet his family.

The James Boys

myself and a couple of new friends

four generations of James' and one ugly dude holding the most impressive firearm he has ever held.

(little buddie)
12/08/13 09:33 PM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

bunch of good dudes in those pics!

(strangesly aroused)
12/08/13 11:16 PM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

Very nice! Good on you , Tom.

(Enzyte - one a day!)
12/09/13 01:39 AM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

Tom thanx for givin us a lil bit of yer time,,we ALL enjoyed it....Fried fish for Dad and Phyliss today for their birthdays (both born on the same day of the year) had family in that Pop ain't seen for a spell......
One thing he told me early "Thanks for introducing to that Tom,,,he's one heck of a nice young man" "Pop figured you'd like him,,,we all do"
How'd the coot hunt go,,,,,,
He's wantin to carve a duck er 50 just in his blood,,,,I'd like to give it a hoot too,,,,,since I'm idle for now we're gonna start puttinn the shop in prolly this week,,,you wanna build your own stock sometime,,,well ya got my didgits,,,,,me and the old man is gonna get into our fightin weight again,,we both got a few more useful years in us There is one lil rifle I got yet to build
Zach he's all in and has the hands of a surgueon and is good with art,,,,should be able to checker like Dad or better, he has young eyes,,,Carol has artistic talents,,,but her eyes ain't so good(She thinks I look like Chuck Norris) Put some blinders on her and she has the patient and the eye hand thing.
Never be what it once was,,,but it will be fun,,,,,ya ever want to build yer own,,,,yer welcome here anytime.
We'll be out that way fer the bird carving 101,,,bet that.
Thanx bro,,,,take care ,,it was indeed a pleasure for my family
BTW I got a new screen saver if I can figure out how to make it happen
Hey Dan'l that lil on is a dudeet Take care bro and Merry Christmas at ya!!!!1

(action hero)
12/09/13 12:01 PM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

I haven't seen a pic of the Zman in a few years..
My guess is he is responsible for at least a 1/4 of the school age population in Palmyra!

I see Z doesnt trust you to hold the princess in pics yet!

what happened to all the pictures on the walls?

(Enzyte - one a day!)
12/09/13 12:26 PM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

Those were taken out at Dad's they just got moved in and a lot of stuff wasn't moved back...

(little buddie)
12/09/13 03:16 PM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

The little one is the only thing that kept me from throwing up a little, she's a cutie...the rest I said were good dudes, kinda ugly tho...

12/09/13 07:58 PM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

I hope you didn't let Swampy anywhere near Carrol's underwear drawer.......

Damn, it's been a while since I've seen yer ol'man. Glad to see he's still kickin'. I'm assuming thats the .338 swampy is holding? What a piece of art!

Did I read this right, that your dad is settling in the Monroe City area fer a while, and that you're building a custom gun shop?


(Enzyte - one a day!)
12/10/13 12:38 AM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

Her daddy sure does love her,,,,I kinda like em both myself.
G yep the ole man has moved back,,,has a couple health issues to get thru yet,,,mainly just getting his legs cleaned out so he can get around better,,,they got the right one done I think they are gonna start on the left one this week...
He brought back some shop equipment,,,I don't know what all,,,but yep,,,he ain't thru playin with guns yet and I gots some time to learn some more,,,,see where she goes from there....Spect we'll have the shop goin shortly after the first of the year,,,he's getting board...
Yep Swampy had hold of the 338,,,,ya oughta shoot that thing,,,amazing......

(action hero)
12/10/13 11:44 AM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

upon further review.... the Z man looks more like Swampy than you!

If swampy went snoopin in Carol's drawers, she might find something Mel left..

(Enzyte - one a day!)
12/10/13 01:25 PM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

Ya never know what's lurking in them drawers

12/11/13 11:11 AM
Re: Hanging with the James Gang

Good lookin bunch!

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