01/04/12 12:56 AM
Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

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This is so sad...

01/04/12 04:57 AM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

Big North winds this weekend.....they claim duck hunters whenever they occur on big water. It is what is it.


(strangesly aroused)
01/04/12 04:19 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

I don't know , what is it?

(the exterminator)
01/04/12 04:28 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters


Bubba said:
I don't know , what is it?

Limits Bubba...........limits.

01/04/12 09:10 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

He didn't have his glasses on Bubba....

01/05/12 12:46 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

No life jackets,momarsh full of decoys 2 guys and 30+ mph winds on the Osage river.

01/05/12 05:32 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters


Deadeye said:
No life jackets,momarsh full of decoys 2 guys and 30+ mph winds on the Osage river.

fell sorry for the family to be related to boys that are that forken stuiped

01/05/12 08:34 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

we've all done something stupid....

If you haven't, you ain't lived.


(Bond....Timmy Bond)
01/05/12 09:33 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

True dat Duko! It's a wonder that I am alive today. It's a forking miracle that Halfie is!

(little buddie)
01/05/12 09:53 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters


IIFID said:
True dat Duko! It's a wonder that I am alive today. It's a forking miracle that Halfie is!

iffin you want to call that being alive...

(Enzyte - one a day!)
01/05/12 10:08 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

Made a bunch of stupid mistakes out there on my own
remember the Hill back when I was a kid,,,lost a couple good friends,,,hi winds big water,,took a while to find em,,,,just feet from the bank,,,it happens, sometimes we just don't make the best call,,,sometimes Mother Nature changes in a hurry and ya come up on the short end of the stick,,,or ya get Lucky,,,,like Scott said,,,it is what it is,,,ain't gonna change it less all ya hunt is teal and Gaddies,,,late season can be bruttle or it can be the best,,,,crap shot on the water... Just my pennies worth.

01/05/12 11:52 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

Fuggin 15 minute drive and the idjits could've been on the other side of the river! I've hunted that spot for years and would never have crossed that river with a 30+ wind running right up my asss, especially with what they was riding. It is what it is!

01/06/12 03:00 AM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

I know that spot well, and it ain't no place to be in a small boat in even a small wind. Talked to an ex Cafe'r this evening that nearly met the same fate the other day in a layout boat on MTL. Forkin stupid!

01/06/12 04:22 AM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

I was hunting last weekend for the second time this season. I had a thought, as I sat there, that it was a great weekend to be duck hunting with 30-45 mph North/Northwest winds after a warm spell. I also had the thought that it was no time to be out on big water in a small boat. We had a great weekend......those guys on the Osage did not. That's duck hunting.

Duko is right. I can tell a story of a swamped boat in 10 feet of water in late December that could have ended very differently if not for some other hunters on the boat ramp who happened to look .......uh......our way. I got to learn a lesson that day. Most aren't that lucky.

Hmmmm....now that I'm sitting here thinking about what Duko posted, I'm just glad to be sittign here thinking about what Duko posted.


01/06/12 12:27 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

Have had river blinds a few times. Most were in the sloughs but one required a short cut through the channel. Even in my dumbest days, I wore and required anyone in my boat to wear a life jacket. Even if it didn't save your life (a 50/50 proposition at best in ice water) at least it saved the families from the heartache of not knowing. Floating bodies are easy to find.

The only disappointing thing is looking at their ages. I would like to think by 30 or so, most of the really dumb stuff was out of my system...

Sad deal for the friends and family...

Phil in MO
01/06/12 12:35 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

I saw a news report concerning these guys and they were blaming part of the problem on the guys wearing waders and how that drug them down. Seems to me, and maybe I'm wrong. That waders with a belt and a pfd, would be better than just a pfd. I've have my stupid moment and almost meet the same fate as these guys in Taneycomo one Febuary many years ago. We were wearing pfds and was blessed to have someone come along after about 15min in the water. I'll never forget that day.
Anyway, what's your opinion concerning wearing waders in a boat when on deep water?

(action hero)
01/06/12 12:38 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

It's a forking miracle that Halfie is...

Little Bro, you dont (wont) ever know the half of it....

Unless you stumble across Matyas and he decides the statute o limitations has passed.....

I made more mistakes than the OBAMA Administration!!!!!!!!!!!!

01/06/12 02:47 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

Four of us were heading out last Monday morning for our final Mississippi River hunt of the season. The wind was blowing so hard at 4:00am that the electric gate at the boat storage lot was blown out of kilter and the system malfunctioned. After much unsuccessful fiddling with the gate and prolonged cursing, we all went back home wondering how we could be so unlucky. We sank a boat at Lincoln Shields in high winds last season on the day before the iceup. You would have thought we would have learned something. I'm thinking now that someone smarter than me was looking out for us this year.

01/09/12 06:47 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

water should be respected and we all should take the necessary precautions!

(Enzyte - one a day!)
01/12/12 05:36 PM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters

When I was a pup,,Pop and I pushed it,,later when I hunted alone,,with just the dog,,we pushed it harder,,,I backed way off when we took the kids,,,,I member Nov ,,,68,,,I was 10 draggin hooks for 2 friends at the Hill,,,Dad took me out of school for that,,,we were all to hunt together the next am,,,high winds big water they never made it home,,something you never really forget,,,but it happens,,
It wasn't pretty both drowed 15' from the bank they could have stood up and waded out,,,but they were hanging onto the bottom,,,don't reckon I'll ever forget that. No PFD'S just ole skool.

01/13/12 10:59 AM
Re: Missing Missouri Duck Hunters


Phil in MO said:
I saw a news report concerning these guys and they were blaming part of the problem on the guys wearing waders and how that drug them down. Seems to me, and maybe I'm wrong. That waders with a belt and a pfd, would be better than just a pfd. I've have my stupid moment and almost meet the same fate as these guys in Taneycomo one Febuary many years ago. We were wearing pfds and was blessed to have someone come along after about 15min in the water. I'll never forget that day.
Anyway, what's your opinion concerning wearing waders in a boat when on deep water?

If they were neoprene they will be a whole lot better on than laying in the bottom of the boat. Did a test with an old set one year in the pool. Wader pant, long sleeve shirt and the waders and it made it very easy to stay on top. The extra insulation and a little added bouyancy could make the difference.

Couple years back they lost some young men on KY lake. I think one of the surviors was the only one still in waders. The others drown trying to get them off according to the grapevine.

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