07/15/08 12:32 AM
This Year's Pepper Crop....

Seems to be a bit mild mannered. The first holly-peeno out of the garden only made two people cry. I tried to tell 'em you shouldn't eat 'em like you do an apple.

There's gonna have to be another dose of sheep chit and such mixed into the soil before next spring.


You got a jones for some grilled peppers ?

(stirrer of chit)
07/15/08 12:48 AM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

Make sure that sheep sheeet is rotted or all it will do is zap the nitrogen out of your garden decreasing the ammounts of peppers you get.

Picked a couple red chiles the other day, real nice and small. One was red and was HOTTTTTTTTT green ones were not any more mild. Hope to pickle them this week along with some Polish spears

(little buddie)
07/15/08 01:32 AM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

sounds good...from 200 miles away!!!

(action hero)
07/15/08 10:40 AM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

I thought about planting some, but every year I have a guy who overplants and calls me .. brings me two bread bags full of assorted peppers... I bring him a bag of smoked ducks...
barter system is a wonderful thing.

07/15/08 11:00 AM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

Aren't you supposed to report such trades to the IRS?

07/15/08 02:05 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....


DuckMeRunnin said:
Seems to be a bit mild mannered. The first holly-peeno out of the garden only made two people cry. I tried to tell 'em you shouldn't eat 'em like you do an apple.

I weren't cryin' nigga. It was hot outside, and a big fat guy like myself has a tendancy sweat.

They were some good peppers, though.

(Bond....Timmy Bond)
07/15/08 02:57 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

Dan'l made peppers both Friday and Saturday. Fridays batch was definetly more mild then the flamethrowers on Saturday. He started with a little Smokie sausage, smothered that with cream cheese with bacon in it, surrounded that with a jalapeno, bacon wrapped the whole works and we smoked them for a couple of hours over cherry wood. They was horrible! And so was the hushpuppies with diced jalapenos in them!

(Birding Moderator)
07/15/08 04:11 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

Yeah, K-Mac was goin' on and on about them goodies! Seems he is gonna be tryin' them peppers when he gets back to OH. He enjoyed meetin' a few of youse fellas.

(little buddie)
07/15/08 04:28 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

Seems like a good guy...for a Mac brother....

07/15/08 04:47 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

I miss the pepper garden...might have to start that up again.

Grew tabasco peppers and canned them with about 8 cloves of garlic in each quart. Let them sit for about 8 months and they was ready to pour straight out of the jar into the food processor and let it eat for about 20 minutes....made the best tabasco sauce I ever had. Add just a small amount of lemon juice

(Enzyte - one a day!)
07/15/08 11:34 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

Fork a bunch a peppers they just make yer recktom burn Who the heck has a bunch of maters??? Mind plumb got drowned to death. Yeah I know,,,,I did plant em on high ground.

(little buddie)
07/16/08 12:40 AM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

I got some maters from Samenlia or somewheres like that I can sells you real cheap...

(stirrer of chit)
07/16/08 01:14 AM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

red I know how you feel my tomatoes just started looking good in the last two weeks. Had enough last week to have BLT's and enough for a fella to get a taste daily in his lunch salad.

I've got an Aneheim pepper plant that I wish would take off and produce along with an eggplant. The sweet and green peppers are just now looking good, hot bannana and jalepeno look like hell. I did pick 5 gallons of cukes tonight for pickling tommorow

07/16/08 03:35 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

Lucky bastage. My maters are finally catching up, but we had a hell of a time getting the garden in with as wet as it was so I am a few weeks out still. Habeneros and Japs are rocking, though.

07/16/08 08:00 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

Something, I'm gussing a rabbit, played holy hell with one of my jalapeno plants. Chewed some braches off, then gnawed on the peppers. I ain't NEVER had that happen.

Starting tonight, I wage war ! The critter can fork with some things, but not my peppers or 'maters.


wtf do you do with a buncha habaneros ? You give 'em to people you don't like ? Im like some hot chit, but I haven't found many use for those bastages.

(Former political advocate)
07/16/08 10:09 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

I didn't think critters would eat that hot stuff.

(stirrer of chit)
07/16/08 10:42 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

I never have seen a wabbit eat a hot pepper. Deer and GroundHogs will eat them though. My guess would be a groundhog. Night time hunting will do no good. Midday on cloudy days are your best bet for getting them. I have never been able to figure out their time schedule or I would have climbed trees and sniped them all. Lucky for me the dog has killed two in the last month or so and that is about 1/2 of what I have seen this year.

07/17/08 12:30 AM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

I make a lot of salsa and hot sauce with habeneros. A little does go a long way...

07/17/08 07:26 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

I used to work with a dude that ruined 5 gals. of salsa by using habaneros. I'll stick to the jalapenos.


I have a fence around the garden. Ain't no whistlepigs gettin' in there. But, I did add smaller mesh fencing around the bottom.

(stirrer of chit)
07/18/08 01:10 AM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

Groundhogs can dig down 4 feet and climb trees if needed. Just stating the facts

Scout 1
(New order Amish - not be confused with Meninite!)
07/18/08 01:03 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

I caught two more yesterday. They were enrolled in the WRP.

Woodchuck Relocation Plan.

One was emancipated on the east side of the golf course, the other, the west.

(Enzyte - one a day!)
07/19/08 08:03 PM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

Greg yer peppers is prolly ok but acordin to the FDA,,,I ain't gonna eat none of Bandito's peppers

(Birding Moderator)
07/20/08 02:06 AM
Re: This Year's Pepper Crop....

I had what I believe to be rabbits clip off several pepper and tomato plants when I lived back in OH. Looked like they just bit 'em off, not even eating the danged plant. Repairing the perimeter fence gaps solved the problem, albeit too late that one year.

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