Paul Dallas
09/17/12 03:06 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)


sptsman said:

Mac said:Democracy ain't purty, and their replacement governments don't have control over anything there yet.

If you think this is "democracy", you are sadly mistaken. These are terroist organizations that our own President has helped put in power to try to appease the Middle East radicals that hate us. He succeeded in getting them into power, now he/we will see how well the whole appeasement thing works. So far, not so good.

Only the completely clueless, idot liberals think that you can appease these people and become friends with them. What is even more ironic is the very people on our side that hold the most firmly to the idea of appeasement are the people they hate the most. Ask them what they do to women that express thoughts, ideas and opinoins of their own. As them what they do to openly homosexual people. Ask them what they think of secualr humanists....

If you think this is some sort of Arab Spring democracy movement, I have some swampland to sell you... No, wait, I have a failed President you can vote for. He seems to be a delusional as the people that think these terrorists can be our friends...

Are you saying Qaddafi should've been left in power?

Not much different than liberating the Iraqi's from Saddam. You get rid of the thug who kept whole bunches of thugs in check and then act surprised when lawlessness follows after he is gone. I don't see this as Obama's fault anymore than it was Bush's fault that the shiites and sunnis began whacking each other with our troops caught in the crossfire post-Saddam Iraq.

The moral of the story is, until we are prepared to go all in, we should stay the hell out. Or if we absolutely feel compelled to be involved, then to quote Aliens . . . "Nuke the site from orbit".

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