06/23/12 02:32 PM
Re: Thank you!


MissBudweiser said:
And, a cop that will say this, "I've never done any drugs, myself." and without discriminating between pot, coke and heroin, makes one broad statement - that ALL drugs should be legal. Well, hell. I sho' 'nuff would hope that any cop I know is more streetwise than this. I don't expect a social worker. I just expect that they would want a better world for their kids and grandkids.

But, you know.....just shrug your shoulders and brew more beer.

Ouch, Miss B - that's gonna leave a mark!

Let me explain a little further. Yes, I've concluded that the "war on drugs" is hopeless, pours billions of dollars into criminal organizations, wastes more billions of public resources that could be used better, and does very little good. But no, I'm not advocating the use of drugs that are currently illegal - just sayin' I think they could be supressed better and more kids kept away from them with a different approach.

If all the FUN could be taken out of drugs - all the appeal of something that must be good, and cool, because it's forbidden, that would be a start. Ideally (and I know it'll never happen) drug use should be seen by society as a medical problem. Lookit that pitiful sod - he's gotta go to a doctor and get a prescription because he's hooked on that junk. Disgusting.

At the least, legalization of drugs and access through medical prescriptions only would take the money out of the trade. NONE of that crap could cost 50 cents a pound to produce - make it available by prescription only and make the prescriptions cheap and that would take all the big money out of it. THEN do a big public-education campaign starting with the early grades about how weak, pitiful, and un-cool the people are who use that stuff.

Yeah I know, it probably wouldn't work any better than what we're doing now because "special interests" (including law enforcement with a million cushy jobs at stake) would get into it and the program wouldn't be done right. I'm just dreaming of what oughta be and saying that what we're doing now is wasteful and isn't working - so cut me some slack there, B.

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