06/22/12 11:44 PM
Re: Thank you!

Well, some don't seem to discriminate between races. They preach, but he doesn't seem to grasp that drugs are in fact the problem in regards to foster care.

You see, it's not the colour of your skin, but your breeding that either makes you a complete and whole person, and a child born to a drug addict, no matter what race, will always be a child at risk.

They seems to think that you can educate the DNA out of these children. If it were so, there wouldn't be college kids out on the streets today "Occupying" major metropolises, because the big, bad world owes them cheap tuition and a job.

And, a cop that will say this, "I've never done any drugs, myself." and without discriminating between pot, coke and heroin, makes one broad statement - that ALL drugs should be legal. Well, hell. I sho' 'nuff would hope that any cop I know is more streetwise than this. I don't expect a social worker. I just expect that they would want a better world for their kids and grandkids.

But, you know.....just shrug your shoulders and brew more beer.

When my son was 2, and we were on our own the government paid for 1/2 of his daycare. The MINUTE my now husband moved in, I told the government to STOP. I'm WAY too proud to take from Peter to pay Paul. But, then I know from LIFE experience that not all drugs, men, women, and children are created equally. Some are BORN damaged, and I'll be damned if I was, so I worked to support him.

We've got more freakin' safety nets up here than Ringling Brothers, but I never depended on them so that I could grab the ring and fly. Including being employed by a union that shrugs and says, "That's not MY job!"

The minute you BECOME a mother or father, it's your job to make the world a better place. But, you CAN'T if you continually breed drug addicted and children who are not WHOLE into society.

As for homos, if we maybe coulda seen past saving them from themselves in the 80's, and let AIDS take them with their own black plague we might have spent more time getting rid of the drug problems that are killing our children.

Hindsight is 20/20. History is there to be learned from. Bad behaviour shouldn't be rewarded.

Foster parents here now earn $1,800/month tax free.

And I hope you've got your eyes WIDE open, because here if you ADOPT a child over 10 years of age, the government will give you $950.00 per month for their care.

THAT'S how many AT RISK children there are. We're ALREADY paying to get them homes, with LEGAL parents.

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