11/10/07 04:38 AM
Re: The perfect agenda


Liberty said:
" Only keep dams where recreational and navigational uses of the waterway far outweigh the benefits that would be there if anadramous fish were allowed to prosper.

I suppose you're also an expert on that subject now. I believe thats the Greene's stance so you're back in your natural habitat."--HellIdon't have a clue

first of all it's green's not Greene's as in Lorne Greene, and secondly, the power companies have been doing studies, especially on the four lower Snake River dams that are showing a basic wash between the economic benefit of those dams versus the economic benefit of increased salmon runs, study them all and see what hydroelectric dams and plants are really vital for power, recreation and navigation and which ones are not, there is no electrical power problem in the Pacific Northwest where these types of solutions could be done.

But if you want to allow the extinction of salmon go right ahead, they are just a fish anyway

Its Anadromous, not Anadramous

The "Power companys" aka Bonneville Power Administration is a government agency, and it appears that when it convenient you agree with them, the GreenIe's and whomever.
The power dams feed the west coast grid, so I'm suspicious of any so called excess.
The Salmon have been in trouble for many reasons, and not just in the Columbia, if you check you'll see the coastal rivers have low numbers overall.
Salmon can handle the global warming, but their food supply isn't, nor is it handling ocean changes. The Salmon are slowly being moved out environmentaly it seems, which is why they aren't haveing as many problems north. Then there's the Asian fishermen, oh hell you knew all that because you're an expert.

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