(action hero)
09/12/12 10:55 AM
Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

SO I read the first news bleeps and it says Libyan Security overwhelmed .....I thought the USMC generally had guard duty at embassies? Consulates?

No mention of them.....Not sure that trusting the walls to Mohammed's guys was so smart

(the exterminator)
09/12/12 04:58 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Happened outside the embassy walls. Host country is responsible for external security. I'm real damn sure the Marine guards were told to stand down when the flag was stolen and burned, as long as they didn't try to enter the embassy itself. Woulda been a tough order to follow.

09/12/12 07:34 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

USMC should have fired on those bastages until their ammo ran out or the barrels melted. Damn that SOB Obama passiveness toward Muslims anyway.

(Bond....Timmy Bond)
09/13/12 01:59 AM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Yep Islam is a religion of peace all right...

09/13/12 12:08 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Lots more to come of this... There are a lot of questions that need to be answered and you can bet your arse that this Administration will be stone-walling and obstructing any attempts to get to the truth. My guess is there was intel of this happening and it was not properly addressed...

In addition, it is very likely we will see more of this crap in the near future. These animals are getting bolder by the day, becasue they know thy can. Look for more of this, in the near future...

09/15/12 03:50 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Everything important to know about foreign affairs can be learned from a 1930's Tarzan movie. Fire a revolver into the air or even shoot one or two of 'em, and the natives will get scared and run for the woods. Show weakness and they'll come after you with spears and an empty cookpot.

Come to think about it, that worked in law enforcement, too.

09/15/12 08:20 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

More I think about this the madder I get. The US ought to pull every American out of those countries, cut off all foreign aid and food, and tell those who got it to eat their oil. If they ain't got oil, then tough chit. Then, if they continue to screw with us, turn the whole area into a glass-lined parking lot. Fcuk those rag heads.

09/15/12 08:38 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)


Mel said:
The US ought to pull every American out of those countries, cut off all foreign aid and food, and tell those who got it to eat their oil.

Mel, I agree - but there's a complication.

If we move out of the Middle East, China will move in there in a heartbeat - and the Chinese don't care how brutal, despotic, and fanatical those Muslims are unless they mess with China. That could leave Europe and the U.S. stuck with very expensive energy and China with a supply of cheap and abundant energy to fuel their industry.

I believe our conflict with Muslim fanatics is a sideshow and the next world war will be between the U.S. and China. Walking away from the world's largest and cheapest oil deposits could make that big war come a lot sooner and make it even more likely to go against us. Just sayin'.

09/15/12 08:56 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

I know, I know, but it just pisses me off that those bastages can kill and loot in the name of Islam and then go back to being supposedly "peace loving Muslims". I haven't seen a one yet that was interviewed that had actually seen that movie. What we need is everyone of those suckers that invades another country's consulates to be laid out in the street full of whatever caliber slugs with which the security forces are equipped.

(Birding Moderator)
09/16/12 04:59 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

We shouldn't get too carried away about this situation,aside we lost 4 good men that were serving us. Less than 1/2 of 1% of the population are makin' all the fuss and protest. Wasn't too long ago these sort of demonstrations would have been promptly obiterated by the resident dictator...

Democracy ain't purty, and their replacement governments don't have control over anything there yet.

(strangesly aroused)
09/16/12 08:41 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

"We shouldn't get too carried away....aside we lost 4 good men"....."

Thank you , Hillary. Spoken like a true patriotic Liberal!

Paul Dallas
09/17/12 12:28 AM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Agreed. I'd have Predators buzzin and taking out flag burners with hellfire missiles on general principle.

09/17/12 12:02 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)


Mac said:Democracy ain't purty, and their replacement governments don't have control over anything there yet.

If you think this is "democracy", you are sadly mistaken. These are terroist organizations that our own President has helped put in power to try to appease the Middle East radicals that hate us. He succeeded in getting them into power, now he/we will see how well the whole appeasement thing works. So far, not so good.

Only the completely clueless, idot liberals think that you can appease these people and become friends with them. What is even more ironic is the very people on our side that hold the most firmly to the idea of appeasement are the people they hate the most. Ask them what they do to women that express thoughts, ideas and opinoins of their own. As them what they do to openly homosexual people. Ask them what they think of secualr humanists....

If you think this is some sort of Arab Spring democracy movement, I have some swampland to sell you... No, wait, I have a failed President you can vote for. He seems to be a delusional as the people that think these terrorists can be our friends...

Paul Dallas
09/17/12 03:06 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)


sptsman said:

Mac said:Democracy ain't purty, and their replacement governments don't have control over anything there yet.

If you think this is "democracy", you are sadly mistaken. These are terroist organizations that our own President has helped put in power to try to appease the Middle East radicals that hate us. He succeeded in getting them into power, now he/we will see how well the whole appeasement thing works. So far, not so good.

Only the completely clueless, idot liberals think that you can appease these people and become friends with them. What is even more ironic is the very people on our side that hold the most firmly to the idea of appeasement are the people they hate the most. Ask them what they do to women that express thoughts, ideas and opinoins of their own. As them what they do to openly homosexual people. Ask them what they think of secualr humanists....

If you think this is some sort of Arab Spring democracy movement, I have some swampland to sell you... No, wait, I have a failed President you can vote for. He seems to be a delusional as the people that think these terrorists can be our friends...

Are you saying Qaddafi should've been left in power?

Not much different than liberating the Iraqi's from Saddam. You get rid of the thug who kept whole bunches of thugs in check and then act surprised when lawlessness follows after he is gone. I don't see this as Obama's fault anymore than it was Bush's fault that the shiites and sunnis began whacking each other with our troops caught in the crossfire post-Saddam Iraq.

The moral of the story is, until we are prepared to go all in, we should stay the hell out. Or if we absolutely feel compelled to be involved, then to quote Aliens . . . "Nuke the site from orbit".

09/17/12 04:35 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)


Paul Dallas said:

sptsman said:

Mac said:Democracy ain't purty, and their replacement governments don't have control over anything there yet.

If you think this is "democracy", you are sadly mistaken. These are terroist organizations that our own President has helped put in power to try to appease the Middle East radicals that hate us. He succeeded in getting them into power, now he/we will see how well the whole appeasement thing works. So far, not so good.

Only the completely clueless, idot liberals think that you can appease these people and become friends with them. What is even more ironic is the very people on our side that hold the most firmly to the idea of appeasement are the people they hate the most. Ask them what they do to women that express thoughts, ideas and opinoins of their own. As them what they do to openly homosexual people. Ask them what they think of secualr humanists....

If you think this is some sort of Arab Spring democracy movement, I have some swampland to sell you... No, wait, I have a failed President you can vote for. He seems to be a delusional as the people that think these terrorists can be our friends...

Are you saying Qaddafi should've been left in power?

Where did you read that or even get the slightest implication, from what I posted? The issue is with who was backed by the USA, when the power grab began. Obama chose sides and picked the side that is now whacking Americans... How, in the world, does he not have to take some responsibility for this? Bush royally f'ed up by not having a clear plan after ousting Sadam in Iraq and after going into Afghanistan. Does that somehow escuse Obama for getting cozy with the terrorists that are now killing Americans?

Paul Dallas
09/17/12 05:51 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

I didn't realize Obama personally installed their new leadership. Please give me the play by play again, starting with Qaddafi being removed.

(Birding Moderator)
09/17/12 06:23 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

My post was entirely miss-understood. Bubba I ain't makin' light of the ones who lost their lives fighting for us. They gave the ultimate sacrifice, and if you think I don't respect that, then you're just plain wrong.

My point is this and only this: what is going on over in the Mideast may be just the beginning of the process towards rule of the people as opposed to rule by dictatorship. Will it someday lead to democracy or another dictatorship? I hope it leads to recognizable democracy, not a theocracy hallmarked by radical religous leaders.

Stand back and look at this for what it is or may be for the long term. The men who gave their lives deserve to be recognized for how crucial their work was & is for the future of our world.

OK, so now go ahead and twist my words as you see fit...

(action hero)
09/17/12 09:01 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

you reap what you sow... no guarantee the replacement model would be any better

(Birding Moderator)
09/17/12 09:59 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Nope, no guarantee. But disposing of 30+ yr. old dictator regimes can't be any worse. At least now there is a glimmer of a chance for change.

Ignoring this rare circumstance/opportunity where many Mideast countries are riding themselves of tyranny and some suggest isolating our country/influence from other parts of the world is myopic. It's also insulting to those four who died trying to help Libya evolve into a potential democracy.

09/18/12 01:43 AM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)


Mac said:
I hope it leads to recognizable democracy, not a theocracy hallmarked by radical religous leaders.

I hope monkeys fly outta my ass.


(the one who never tires)
09/18/12 02:09 AM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

IF for a moment you think anything in the middle east going on now will lead to recognizable democracy......you are as lost as last years Easter's eggs.

Those bastards don't want and never will have democracy. They are batshit crazy. A true president would have dropped a couple 2400 lb bombs from a stealth on the embassy leveling the bastard and killing as many of those raghead camel forking no pork eating bastards as they could. Then go hit the next embassy until those fukers get the message, or they keep dying. Either way, its more dead muslims and those bastards figure out they can't mess with us.

(the one who never tires)
09/18/12 02:10 AM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

09/20/12 04:23 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

There were NO marines in Libya. The state department hadn't thought they were needed apparently. They did send 50 after the attack, but I suppose Clinton was never around farms and didn't understand the concept of "Shutting the barn door after the horse is out".
What I don't understand is why they haven't pulled all the personal out until a secure embassy with a full compliment of Marines has been established?

(strangesly aroused)
09/25/12 02:59 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

I feel better now that the Marxist in Chief has explained that we should expect "bumps in the road" when dealing with global Islam.

Bumps in the road.....Tell that to the families of the 4 murdered Americans.

This Country is f***ked in so many ways if he wins again.

(the exterminator)
09/25/12 03:36 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

I heard one commentator sarcastically exclaim yesterday, "Bumps in the road! He must be talking about IEDs."

(Birding Moderator)
09/26/12 05:01 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)


This Country is f***ked in so many ways if he wins again.

Well Bubba, on that point we entirely agree.

We're already forked up plenty thanks to his policies. No job growth, no defecit reduction, no plans for how to change anything for the better, not now and not in the future. He was a terrible choice for this country. At least I didn't vote for the misguided bastage....

(the exterminator)
09/26/12 07:05 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

It's damn hard to find anyone who'll admit to votin for that prick.

(strangesly aroused)
09/26/12 08:08 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

But if you believe the polls 53% are voting for him AGAIN.........truly f***ked!

(the exterminator)
09/27/12 09:13 AM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Pay no attention to the poles, just go vote.......early and often.

09/27/12 12:02 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Hey, the replacement refs are available now...they could go over there and fix things

09/27/12 06:18 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Obama Voter

09/28/12 03:02 AM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)


Welcome to my world.


(senior member - literally)
09/28/12 10:25 AM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

SEIU paid the protesters $11.00/hr and bussed them from rally to rally.

(Birding Moderator)
09/28/12 01:52 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

So now we are reminded once again why the founding fathers set up the electoral college...it was an attempt to prevent fools like her from deciding an electoral outcome...

Paul Dallas
09/28/12 03:07 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Funny stuff.

09/29/12 01:10 PM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

Obama Boyz

Your territory, griffin - why don't you get out there and put a stop to that chit?

This St. Louis gang must be named for the inability of the members and their hero to shoot straight. No matter what happens in the election, I'm guessing there will never be a criminal street gang called the "Romney Boyz". You know, out-of-control Mormon Republican gangstas stealin' wimmen, rapin' cattle, etc. Ain't gonna happen.

10/02/12 04:08 AM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

HA! You know what? I know that kid.

It is what it is.......we're screwed, at least for now.

You know like I do that a lack of parenting is to blame.... plus a lack of neighborhood schools after decades of forced busing ruined the schools and the neighborhoods. A generation of kids grew up with nothing to ground them.

I'm no liberal, but I can say that the programs put in place by liberals over the years just ruined these kids....and I hate it.

I know a bunch of these guys.....and it didn't have to be this way for them, so I am sorry for them. I just am. I'm no racist, I don't care who you are if you can be a productive member of society, and many of them could have been, easily.

There is no way to change the perception, but the "good" that the liberals thought they were doing absolutely screwed these kids, and the rest of us. It's an absolutely failed ideology.

I'm a "glass half-full" kind of guy.....but geez....at this point, how do you help these kids? Honestly, I'd like to take the best of them and use their talents for something toward the good (you know as I do, if you took their "talents" and applied it toward something good they'd be just as successful...the best of them are really good at running a "business").....but that ship has sailed thanks to the dumb ass programs put in place to "help" them.

What a cluster fork......seriously, it's over...stand by.

My Grandpa was a Tarawa survivor....he once told me, "in the next great war, you'll be able to tell your enemy by the color of his skin".....just watch.

How stupid.


Paul Dallas
10/03/12 12:31 AM
Re: Ambassador to Libya smoked (maybe literally)

I agree with much of what G said -- it really comes down to how very FORTUNATE many of us are, to be raised the way we were. Many of these kids have zero chance from the start.

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