08/19/12 11:29 PM

The cover headline on the new August 19 issue is for an article by Niall Ferguson entitled HIT THE ROAD, BARACK - Why we need a new President.

Wow! Newsweek???

Ferguson details every screw-up and broken promise - economic, foreign, and domestic, made by the Obama administration in the past 3 1/2 years, and that pretty much includes every single thing Obama has done and hasn't done.

But, Newsweek???

Here's the article if you'd like to read it:


Newsweek, in my opinion, has been nothing but a propaganda rag for the Democrat Party for many years - so how to explain this? Only thing I can figure, they'll headline this one article now, 11 weeks before the election - then they can campaign hard for B.O. in every one of the next 10 weekly issues.

When they're accused of being biased they can then point to this one article in one issue and say "Naw, see - we're really impartial journalists".

08/19/12 11:56 PM
Re: Newsweek!

You're partially right. They will certainly carry the water for Obama, most of the way. But make no mistake, they need to stay in business, first and foremost. Evem the leftists at Newsweek can see the current path isn't working. They're hoping this little diversion from their set path will fool enough of the simple-minded and "independents" to help their circulation and web hits.

Don't think for a minute that Newsweek will suddenly become a real, independent news source...

Scout 1
(New order Amish - not be confused with Meninite!)
08/20/12 12:18 AM
Re: Newsweek!

Reverse psychology. They're trying to whip up some sympathy for the devil.

I'm sure the directive came straight from Party Headquarters, somewhere deep inside the Kremlin.

Forkers, I don't trust em one bit.

08/22/12 02:55 PM
Re: Newsweek!

I think they have their back to the wall and more will follow. I agree with sptsman, they have to consider their future and they can can see the cliff!
I think the big question is what was the big plan? Soros and many of the backers knew full well that Obama was unqualified to be president. None of them would have hired him based on his resume to be in charge of any meaningful business, much less one as vast as the US. They either thought the could direct him and they are at odds with one another or they wanted the failure of the country to lay the groundwork for socialism.
Socialism is the future of this country if changes aren't made quickly. Once the welfare side realizes that the Democratic party is their pay check and they band with the unions and public employees, two sectors bought with taxpayer money, this democracy will be socialism in disguise.

(action hero)
08/22/12 06:53 PM
Re: Newsweek!

It should come down to a simple question:

Has your personal economics improved or gotten worse under the current president ????

The 2-3 current underemployed type that you are supporting will cancel your vote.

08/26/12 06:55 PM
Re: Newsweek!

If this video was about any candidate other than a democrat, the media would be going crazy.
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