(member for now)
02/03/23 08:15 PM
2023 Hummingbirds

they haven't showed up yet..

(Former political advocate)
02/03/23 10:17 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

Might be a bit chilly for them right now.

We did have a small bird try to ram through the glass on our front door though. (Stunned, but got better). The colors looked like a Junco, but it had a very skinny/pointy black beak.

(spiritual advisor and gatekeeper to the Spirit World)
02/04/23 07:36 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

I know you know what a tufted tit-mouse looks like so……

(Former political advocate)
02/04/23 11:13 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

Looks like it was an Eastern Phoebe. Thank you.

(member for now)
04/15/23 12:05 AM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

Saw the first rogue hummer awhile ago..

I'd say winter is over

(Former political advocate)
04/15/23 12:53 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

I haven't seen one yet. The Red Wasps sure are out though.

05/05/23 12:34 AM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

First lil' bugger this evening!

(spiritual advisor and gatekeeper to the Spirit World)
05/05/23 01:56 AM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

Had a rose breasted grosbeak show up today and the goldfinches are thick

Cowbird made an appearance but exited the premises before I could get the BB gun

Bluebirds appear to have babies

Still waiting for Orioles

(Former political advocate)
05/07/23 01:49 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

I just saw the first Hummingbird of the year. I didn't get a pic, but will get some soon.

(member for now)
05/07/23 06:21 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

they're piled up down south here.

last two days they swarm the feeders before dark and went thru 1/2 gallon in 24 hrs.

this was Saturday evening, May 6th. (I was filling the other feeder)

(Former political advocate)
05/07/23 07:30 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

Wow, I think the most we've had at once was six or eight, and it's usually just one to four.

(spiritual advisor and gatekeeper to the Spirit World)
05/08/23 02:38 AM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

Have a couple of them dive bombing the patio

Put feeder up today and all is good in the world

05/08/23 10:00 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds


wuchang said:
Had a rose breasted grosbeak show up today and the goldfinches are thick

Cowbird made an appearance but exited the premises before I could get the BB gun

Bluebirds appear to have babies

Still waiting for Orioles

The goldfinches are like the teal last duck season. I have never seen so many!

05/08/23 11:03 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

The wife put hers out Friday and we had one running the line within an hour, maybe less than 20 minutes...

(Former political advocate)
05/09/23 05:16 AM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

They're here. Not a lot, but our normal few birds.

(spiritual advisor and gatekeeper to the Spirit World)
05/09/23 12:59 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

No Orioles yet

06/12/23 08:46 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

No Oriole sightings this year. We usually see one or two by mid May but nothing this year, yet.

Hummingbirds are here in full force and just getting going on the juice. Not crazy yet, but there are still a fair amount of natural sources, even with this drought. I think we're only getting Democrat birds. They have no interest in going out to work for their food. They like the free and easy stuff. I'm guessing I would win any hummingbird election they had...

I hung a feeder from my kitchen/dining area, bay window the last few years and had a little success. This year they are swarming it. It is over a walkout basement door, so it is 16' or so off the ground and the window overlooks my back 5 acres, surrounded on all three sides by woods and fields. Already a nice, peaceful view. Now I get the added fun of watching the hummingbirds. And they are growing more and more used to us inside, only a few feet away!!

Just picked up 10 lbs of sugar at the store yesterday. I think they call the ATF on me...

08/30/23 01:02 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

I do not recall a year like this. I have one extra feeder on the front porch, for my viewing pleasure from my office. Total of 4. 3 at the West end of the porch and 1 at the East end. I am not even getting a full day out of 3 of the 4 feeders. The quantity of birds is up, to be sure. But they seem to be ravenous this year. Not sure if it has anything to do with the dry spell we had or the heat or if hummingbird numbers are just up.

While it is a pain-in-the-arse to keep up with, I do get some therapy out of watching them swarm (maybe it's really the bourbon). Busy little bastages...

(Former political advocate)
08/30/23 05:25 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

I've noticed just the opposite; it seems like we have fewer of them this year.

(member for now)
09/08/23 05:51 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

they started slowing down here in the south just this week..

i make a gallon jug of nectar at a time and am running (2) quart feeders. as of a couple weeks ago, they were blowing thru a gallon a day, from sun-up to sun-down.

i went thru the grocery bills and i've bought 110 lbs of sugar since april...

90lbs since mid-June

i went to the mountains for a week at the end of July and took the feeders down, so my folks wouldn't have to mess with them. i figured that would run them off, but within a couple days of being back, they were back at it full force.

gogop, i'm guessing someone close by to you has a mess of feeders out and stealing some from you

09/14/23 10:50 AM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

Slowing down a little this week. Likely switching to a little more protein, as they get ready for the journey south. 2 of my 4 feeders in front aren’t getting emptied every day.

There is something to be said for other feeders in the area. I had a lady down the lane that passed away early last year. Once those feeders weren’t around my numbers went up. Kurt, you may want to do some recon and find those nearby feeders. The next phase of the mission would be to eliminate them. Just sayin’…

(Former political advocate)
09/14/23 01:57 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

I hardly see them anymore. My daughter has two feeders, and she moved both of them to the other end of the house. She has a much better view of them now.

(member for now)
09/28/23 06:03 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

they're all but completely gone down south here now.

Went from a gallon a day to maybe a quart every five days. I haven't actually seen any in a day or so, but i'm not near the feeders that much..

think i saw my last one, last year, around first week of october.

wish they'd take the migrants and armadillos back south with them when they go...

(spiritual advisor and gatekeeper to the Spirit World)
09/28/23 10:09 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

Still getting green beans and maters but no hummingbirds

Up until this week little birds were staging to head south

Doves still crashing the feeder

10/04/23 05:44 PM
Re: 2023 Hummingbirds

Lil' Hummers finally departed our feeder over the weekend.

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