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Reged: 12/14/05
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Long, but a lot of important information.
      #232264 - 09/20/12 11:28 AM

Liberals should decide what kind of America they really want, this guy is a lot more than what even most of them want.
Obama's Second Term Transformation Plans The 2012 election has often been described as the most pivotal since 1860.This statement is not hyperbole. If Barack Obama is re-elected the United States will never be the same, nor will it be able to re-capture its once lofty status as the most dominant nation in the history of mankind. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not understand that Obama's first term was dedicated to putting in place executive power to enable him and the administration to fulfill the campaign promise of "transforming America " in his second term regardless of which political party controls Congress. That is why his re-election team is virtually ignoring the plight of incumbent or prospective Democratic Party office holders. The most significant accomplishment of Obama's first term was to make Congress irrelevant. Under the myopic and blindly loyal leadership of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats have succeeded in creating an imperial and, in a second term, a potential dictatorial presidency. During the first two years of the Obama administration when the Democrats overwhelming controlled both Houses of Congress and the media was in an Obama worshipping stupor, a myriad of laws were passed and actions taken which transferred virtually unlimited power to the executive branch. The birth of multi-thousand page laws was not an aberration. This tactic was adopted so the bureaucracy controlled by Obama appointees would have sole discretion in interpreting vaguely written laws and enforcing thousands of pages of regulations they and not Congress would subsequently write. For example, in the 2,700 pages of ObamaCare there are more than 2,500 references to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. There are more than 700 instances when he or she is instructed that they "shall" do something and more than 200 times when they "may" take at their sole discretion some form of regulatory action. On 139 occasions, the law mentions that the "Secretary determines." In essence one person, appointed by and reporting to the president, will be in charge of the health care of 310 million Americans once ObamaCare is fully operational in 2014. The same is true in the 2,319 pages of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act which confers nearly unlimited power on various agencies to control by fiat the nation's financial, banking and investment sectors. The bill also creates new agencies, such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, not subject to any oversight by Congress. This overall process was repeated numerous times with other legislation all with the intent of granting unfettered power to the executive branch controlled by Barack Obama and his radical associates. Additionally, the Obama administration has, through its unilaterally determined rule making and regulatory powers, created laws out of whole cloth. The Environmental Protection Agency on a near daily basis issues new regulations clearly out of their purview in order to modify and change environmental laws previously passed and to impose a radical green agenda never approved by Congress. The same is true of the Energy and Interior Departments among many others. None of these extra-constitutional actions have been challenged by Congress. The left in America knows this usurpation of power is nearly impossible to reverse unless stopped in its early stages. It is clearly the mindset of this administration and its appointees that Congress is merely a nuisance and can be ignored after they were able to take full advantage of the useful idiots in the Democrat controlled House and Senate in 2009-2010 and the Democrat Senate in the current Congress. Additionally, Barack Obama knows after his re-election a Republican controlled House and Senate will not be able to enact any legislation to roll back the power previously granted to the Executive Branch or usurped by them. His veto will not be overridden as there will always be at least 145 Democratic members of the House or 34 in the Senate in agreement with or intimidated by an administration more than willing to use Chicago style political tactics. The stalemate between the Executive and Legislative Branches will inure to the benefit of Barack Obama and his fellow leftists. The most significant power Congress has is the control of the purse-strings as all spending must be approved by them. However, once re-elected, Barack Obama, as confirmed by his willingness to do or say anything and his unscrupulous re-election tactics, would not only threaten government shutdowns but would deliberately withhold payments to those dependent on government support as a means of intimidating and forcing a Republican controlled Congress to surrender to his demands,thus neutering their ability to control the administration through spending constraints. Further, this administration has shown contempt for the courts by ignoring various court orders, e.g. the Gulf of Mexico oil drilling moratorium, as well as stonewalling subpoenas and requests issued by Congress. The Eric Holder Justice Department has become the epitome of corruption as part of the most dishonest and deceitful administration in American history. In a second term the arrogance of Barack Obama and his minions will become more blatant as he will not have to be concerned with re-election. Who will be there to enforce the rule of law, a Supreme Court ruling or the Constitution? No one. Barack Obama and his fellow-travelers will be unchallenged as they run roughshod over the American people. Many Republicans and conservatives dissatisfied with the prospect of Mitt Romney as the nominee for president are instead focused on re-taking the House and Senate. That goal, while worthy and necessary, is meaningless unless Barack Obama is defeated . The nation is not dealing with a person of character and integrity but someone of single-minded purpose and overwhelming narcissism. Judging by his actions, words and deeds during his first term, he does not intend to work with Congress, either Republican or Democrat in his second term but rather to force his radical agenda on the American people through the power he has usurped or been granted. The governmental structure of the United States was set up by the founders in the hope that over the years only those people of high moral character and integrity would assume the reins of power. However, knowing that was not always possible, they dispersed power over three distinct and independent branches as a check on each other. What they could not imagine is the surrender and abdication of its constitutional duty by the preeminent governmental branch, the Congress, to a chief executive devoid of any character or integrity coupled with a judiciary essentially powerless to enforce the law when the chief executive ignores them. Conservatives, Libertarians, the Republican Party and Mitt Romney must come to grips with this moment in time and their historical role in denying Barack Obama and his minions their ultimate goal. All resources must be directed at that end-game and not merely controlling Congress and the various committee chairmanships. Steve McCann May 12, 2012

A government survey has shown that 91% of illegal immigrants come to this country so that they can see their own doctor.

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Paul Dallas

Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 1189
Loc: the corner of Bedlam & Squalor

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Hellbender]
      #232265 - 09/20/12 03:40 PM


And some serious eye strain reading that heavily slanted crap.

Look, I'll vote for Mitt, but that jackass, uppity, 13% tax-payin, tax records hidin' space-suit underwearin' sumbitch ain't gonna fix crap . . . . You know it, I know it, and pretty goddam sure the 53%'ers know it. He's got a campaign of de-throne Obama, and while that may be well and good, don't believe for a second that he can right the ship. He's just another corporation disguised as a human being.

And if I see another mormon ad on TV, I'm gonna hafta puke.

Edited by Paul Dallas (09/20/12 03:51 PM)

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the one who never tires

Reged: 12/22/05
Posts: 11010

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Paul Dallas]
      #232275 - 09/20/12 09:56 PM

13% tax rate.......well that's 13% more than 47% of the welfare sucking, no tax paying, govt tit drinking bastards out there. So a man doesn't want to show his tax records.....well it ain't none of your fuking business how much or how little money he makes. Hell, the HNIC won't release his college transcrips...but you liberal bastards aren't up in arms over that....and honestly, that's no ones damn business either.

What bothers me is you have a man with absolutely no executive experience before 2008, no business experience, and really no political experience except a state congressman.....and he is complaining about Romney having no foreign affairs experience, while looking like a dumbass with his entire middle east "experience" The HNIC, couldn't make money selling food to starving Africans. I haven't seen a Mormon ad, but I'll take that over seeing our current president suck the cawks of another camelshit burning, Koran reading, bare hand ass wiping, cave living, ragheaded no pork eating muslim. Our country has gone to hell in the last 4 years, and is fixing to be burned to the ground in Obama gets elected to 4 more years.

The Majority of Liberal America is so far out of touch with normal every day hard working Americans. You want to see the path of this country, take a good hard fukin look at California. Those bastards are screwed and have no clue how to fix anything, yet Liberal America thinks they are on the right track.

It’s better to be hated for who you are, instead of loved for who you aren’t.

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the one who never tires

Reged: 12/22/05
Posts: 11010

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: H2ODOG]
      #232276 - 09/20/12 10:06 PM

And if they want to start saving money, stop giving welfare and taxpayer money to illegals. Start drug testing welfare people. Fine business owners that hire illegals. Stop giving assholes who don't pay any income tax a tax refund. Empty the prisons of all illegals. Ship them to the Mexico/Guatamala border. Let Mexico deal with their people. Let Marines line the borders with fully loaded weapons. Shot all who enter, like other countries. Come here legally, or stay the hell out. Put term limits on all members of congress and eliminate ALL their pensions. Career politians need to go.

I would much rather have a guy who has run several multi-million dollar companies in charge than a guy who organized a sit in at a local chicken joint in the streets of Shitcago.

It’s better to be hated for who you are, instead of loved for who you aren’t.

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the one who never tires

Reged: 12/22/05
Posts: 11010

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: H2ODOG]
      #232278 - 09/20/12 10:14 PM

It will only get worse if that narcissistic bastard gets re-elected. Its now "normal" behavior to redesign the USA for his campaign logo and posters......but nothing he does shocks me anymore. Its all about him.

It’s better to be hated for who you are, instead of loved for who you aren’t.

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: out in the woods

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Paul Dallas]
      #232280 - 09/20/12 11:54 PM


Paul Dallas said:
Look, I'll vote for Mitt, but .....

Well, there ya go - you generally see things bass-ackwards so I figured you'd vote for whoever the Libertarian candidate is, or write in Ron Paul, or something. You're still in touch with a shred of reality, huh? Who'd a thunk?

Go ahead and think all the bad stuff about Romney you want to, as long as you vote for him early and often. Personally, I like everything I know about Romney and I don't know where you come up with all that - but it's the vote that counts!

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Ozark]
      #232282 - 09/21/12 06:54 AM

Neighbors boy is at fort bragg training to become a green beret,,,,,Word is ,all presidents up until obamanation took over "hand signed" all letters to the family of fallen soldiers ....Obama doesnt have time ,his are hand stamped


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the one who never tires

Reged: 12/22/05
Posts: 11010

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: kdog]
      #232284 - 09/21/12 07:19 AM

Its not like its WWII where hundreds are dying a day. Sucker should deliver the letters in person.

It’s better to be hated for who you are, instead of loved for who you aren’t.

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: H2ODOG]
      #232286 - 09/21/12 08:01 AM

I actually agree that Mitt will probably not fix chit. However, I am 100% certain that he will not fork things up nearly as bad as 2nd term Obama...

"Hunts are best measured by the endurance of the memories they produce..."

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Paul Dallas

Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 1189
Loc: the corner of Bedlam & Squalor

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: sptsman]
      #232289 - 09/21/12 10:55 AM

McClellan wrote a good one in todays paper about Mitt and this whole entitlement thing. Enjoy!

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the one who never tires

Reged: 12/22/05
Posts: 11010

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Paul Dallas]
      #232291 - 09/21/12 12:51 PM

Entitlements are wrong for the rich or the poor. The rich guys want entitlements to make more money. The poor want more entitlements so they can drive their Cadillac on 24's and enjoy their big screen TV. The only difference between the two is that the rich guy is atleast paying a few thousand people to work for them. He is also selling goods, like beer, nachos, hotdogs, T-shirts, caps, etc.......all while stimulating some other dudes pocketbook and business. The 47% who pay no income tax just want their tax refund for paying absolutely nothing. They want their food stamps that no long run out in 3 months because of the current administration. They want their unemployement checks to sit at home until they run out.

I don't like taxpayer money going to anyone, but atleast the rich folks are paying taxes and stimulating the economy somehow. And as far as the taxpayer loopholes.....blame the gov't. If someone told me I could save some money by doing something, I would do it. Only a windowlicker wouldn't want to save their own money. According to most Americans I'm "rich" because of the amount of money my wife and I make. I'll pay over $13k in income tax alone this year for myself. I bet I don't get 1/3 of it back.....but some hand who doesn't pay ANY income taxes will get his $4-500 because he is ENTITLED to a refund, for paying nothing.

It’s better to be hated for who you are, instead of loved for who you aren’t.

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: out in the woods

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: H2ODOG]
      #232299 - 09/21/12 02:20 PM

One of my favorite stories - Congressman Davy Crockett about appropriating public money for worthy causes:

Crockett in Congress

Thing is - public money is taken away from citizens by force of law. That has to be done to fund the necessary functions of government - but the government has no right to give that money to individuals or companies except in direct payment for property, goods, services, or labor received. NO CAUSE is worthy enough to justify the government taking money from one citizen at the point of a gun to give it to another.

That's my opinion - and it's a far cry from Obama's belief that it's government's proper function to redistribute wealth.

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Paul Dallas

Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 1189
Loc: the corner of Bedlam & Squalor

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Ozark]
      #232301 - 09/21/12 02:38 PM

Thats a good one, Oz. Congress could learn a lot from that today.

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Paul Dallas

Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 1189
Loc: the corner of Bedlam & Squalor

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Paul Dallas]
      #232302 - 09/21/12 02:41 PM

Well, looky there. Paul Dallas publicly calls him on it and moments later he finally releases his tax records.

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the one who never tires

Reged: 12/22/05
Posts: 11010

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Paul Dallas]
      #232305 - 09/21/12 03:36 PM

He released them PDiddy because you were ENTITLED to them. Shame on a man for being successful on his own. Afterall, the gov't is responsible for all great business's. Who gives a chit how much money a man makes.......I want the most successful person available of the job. It's not like the lettuce washer at Burger King is running. It's also none of our damn business how much money he makes, or Obama.

Last I checked it's America, where a man or woman is able to make as much money as he or she can. So a rich guy made money and puts money into over seas accounts. Good for him......because if the current "leadership" gets their way, there won't be any money for him to spend

It’s better to be hated for who you are, instead of loved for who you aren’t.

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the one who never tires

Reged: 12/22/05
Posts: 11010

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: H2ODOG]
      #232306 - 09/21/12 03:44 PM

He only paid 14% in taxes......but donated 30% of his income......about 4 million bucks. I bet Obama, Biden, Pelosi, didn't donate 1/4 of that amount combined. Afterall, they are entitled to not do so but get pissed off when others don't

It’s better to be hated for who you are, instead of loved for who you aren’t.

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: H2ODOG]
      #232309 - 09/21/12 03:56 PM

All I know is I want our apologetic, hand kissing sham of a President out of the white house. Don't care for the jerk and don't care who knows I don't like his ass. Anyone would be better than him. People ought to remember him telling Putin that he could be more flexible after he was elected; telling all the Arabs how bad the US is; plus being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize before he was even elected. He is truly the HNIC and always will be remembered as being elected because he was a part of that abbreviation.

Member DU, Delta

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names - John Kennedy

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: Taney County

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Mel]
      #232338 - 09/22/12 09:11 AM

I don't know if Romney can fix the economy, but he's the only one with enough experience to do it.
It's as if we've had chauffeur driving the economy, the liberals thought a drivers ed student could do it, but he has an incomplete, his own words. Now we have a chance to put a Petty behind the wheel.
It's a sad state that the worse president in my 70 years, proven by facts, is making a contest of it and may even get reelected.

A government survey has shown that 91% of illegal immigrants come to this country so that they can see their own doctor.

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Reged: 12/14/05
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Loc: out in the woods

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Hellbender]
      #232340 - 09/22/12 09:49 AM

I don't think anyone can fix the federal deficit now without taking away so many entitlements and raising taxes so high that people would riot and whatever production was left would go underground. Simple math says we've gone too far now to ever fix this mess.

Still, I think Romney has the experience and good sense to at least delay the train wreck our economy is headed for. The Dems won't even back off on the throttle.

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Paul Dallas

Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 1189
Loc: the corner of Bedlam & Squalor

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Ozark]
      #232344 - 09/22/12 01:19 PM

Obama only continued what George W started . . . . stimulus with borrowed money. W was equally inept and at times more embarassing. Romney ain't gonna fix crap unless his magic underwears has special powers.

Dammit, I'm voting Ron Paul again the more I think on it.

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the one who never tires

Reged: 12/22/05
Posts: 11010

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: Paul Dallas]
      #232345 - 09/22/12 01:44 PM all means blame Bush. Its worked the past 4 years....maybe yall could ride that dead horse another 4. When the Stimulus was signed by W in early 2008 THE DEMOCROOKS held the majority in the House, and held the Senate because of the two independents. Congress controls the spending, not the President. We learned that in 9th grade government class. The Democrooks started the stimulus, but please Blame Bush. I heard W was responsible for the Embassy bombing in Libya last week aslo.

It’s better to be hated for who you are, instead of loved for who you aren’t.

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Paul Dallas

Reged: 12/14/05
Posts: 1189
Loc: the corner of Bedlam & Squalor

Re: Long, but a lot of important information. [Re: H2ODOG]
      #232350 - 09/22/12 09:04 PM

I DO blame Bush. Obama would've never been elected if the country hadn't been so desperate to get as far away from him as possible And going back to Bush's election -- the country was desperate to get away from Clinton and his crap.

But going back to your point, Dog. Why would Bush SIGN the stimulus and bailout packages if he was so against them?? He was no better, no worse than Obama, just a white cracker, 40-watt version.

Face it. We've had crap leadership going back to Reagan's 2nd term. Head in the sand, elect me so I can go to state dinners, kick the can down the road to the next guy . . . crap leadership. The country is almost fully gutted now, and its finally being realized. Romney will be another chapter of the same old story. Didn't he invent ObamaCare???

Plug your nose and pick whichever candidate stinks the least, but none will seal the borders with Mexico. Too much great cheap labor to be had for our big corporations. Lets build more TIF Wal-Marts and cling to guns and religion because the 53% are all that is relevant, right? Screw our vets and active duty troops that are among the other 47% -- they are now lower class, afteralll, middle class is now defined as up to earnings of $249,000 per year.

2 party system is broken folks. They're both bought and paid for.

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